Plan miasta Nevelichko

Nevelichko - Najnowsze wiadomości:

comment on a conspiracy so vast ? by a. bnevelichko/b

/rather amused/ it's not every day that i am called a follower of rush limbaugh? the story might be real or fake (we might learn more on this over time), the arguments might be true or false, but their (in?)validity is unlikely to ...
źródło: BlogSearch

comment on a conspiracy so vast ? by a. bnevelichko/b

/rather amused/ it's not every day that i am called a follower of rush limbaugh? the story might be real or fake (we might learn more on this over time), the arguments might be true or false, but their (in?)validity is unlikely to ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Comment on A conspiracy so vast ? by A. Nevelichko

/rather amused/ It?s not every day that I am called a follower of Rush Limbaugh? The story might be real or fake (we might learn more on this over time), the arguments might be true or false, but their (in?)validity is unlikely to ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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